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Note: If you are using older versions of Firefox (<65), there may be issues in loading the media assets.

Note: If you are using older versions of Edge (<80), there may be issues in loading the media assets.

Contact us

Cloud Computing Solutions

Get future-ready with a premier cloud computing company!

Stay as light as a cloud


Cloud computing solutions you can rely on

To be cloud-adopted is important for enterprises and organizations to stay relevant in the market. Cloud deployment services are the most practical way to enhance your business operations and achieve maximum acceleration, simplicity, and adaptability.

Being one of the leading cloud solutions providers in the market, we help businesses and organizations simplify, accelerate, and be efficient in moving towards Cloud Solutions. We make an equal comparison for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform and keep the business as centric to decide which will be the best Infrastructure.

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Let’s talk facts

Why we are one of the best cloud computing companies


Be with the flow

Most businesses run on the cloud, and a 100% cloud transformation is in the near future.


Stay light

Cloud transformation allows an organization to stay light and be efficient.


Be modular

Being cloud positive allows you to be flexible and allows you to stay with the market trends.


Our range of cloud computing services

Cloud Migration

Our cloud migration solutions allow you to bring maximum flexibility to your organization via a wide array of tools and technologies. It helps different departments within the organization to operate efficiently.

Cloud Security

Shadow IT is a problem that looks small at the surface but poses a great threat to organizations. Being a reputed cloud computing solutions provider, we protect businesses and organizations to avoid intersecting with rogue connections.

Sustainable tech solutions

As a leading cloud computing consulting company, we use technology as a tool to build a sustainable future. However, it is essential to keep the tool itself aligned with the principles of sustainability. Our cloud solutions save tons of energy and allow organizations to stay light and simultaneously be functional.

Cloud Infrastructure and Management

We help organizations be at their optimum levels through advanced cloud models and implementation. Our cloud management solutions help you level up at minimum expenditure.

Connecting customer through Cloud

We help to create a highly dynamic and interactive digital platform powered by the cloud and enable friction free customer engagement. It offers organizations to transcend various boundaries and expand their customer base globally in minutes.

Cloud Consulting Services

We help organizations reinforce their existing server Infrastructure framework and increase their overall effectiveness and efficiency. Our end-to-end cloud transformation solutions are modular, scalable, and minimalistic.



Tech supporting our cloud computing consulting services

Being one of the best cloud solutions providers in the market, we keep your digital infrastructure at its best by adopting some of the advanced technologies out there in the market. Thanks to our cloud engineers, who are obsessed with optimization!



  • imgEC2/ASG/ELB
  • imgKinesis
  • imgSQS
  • imgCloudWatch
  • imgCloudFront
  • imgLambda
  • imgSES/SNS
  • imgDynamoDB
  • imgRDS
  • imgS3


  • imgVirtual Machine
  • imgAppService
  • imgSQL Database
  • imgAKS
  • imgEvent Hub
  • imgEvent Functions
  • imgBlob Storage
  • imgPipeline/DevOps


  • imgVirtual Machine
  • imgAPI Services
  • imgCloud Storage
  • imgCloud Functions
  • imgCloud Dataflow
  • imgCloud SQL Database
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Our Sectors

Industries We Serve

Operating in the industry for more than 20+ years, we are ranked as one of the top cloud solutions providers in the market. Our subject matter experts and highly-skilled cloud engineers help us provide our services across industries.

Aerospace and Defense


Customer Goods




Energy and utilities











our history

Our Clients

industry standard

How we get our cloud solutions made for you



Cloud transformation is unique for every organization. Our first step is to understand the different aspects of the operations involved in your business.



Assess the structure of the organization and operational flow for an effective cloud transformation strategy.



Identifying the key performing areas and the gaps in-between the process for holistic growth.



Our aim is to create a simple digital infrastructure for organizations while maintaining the breathing space within the operations.



Our belief in market evolution is reflected in our approach to problem-solving. We design our solutions in such a way that they operate with minimum friction and are inclusive of change.



Our cloud engineers go the extra mile to bring your vision to life. Their skill in problem-solving comes in handy while executing the cloud strategy.



Case Studies

Competitive pricing analyzer for a global fast-food chain

We empowered a famous fast-food chain to adopt a data-centric approach and maximize its consumer base. Our strategy was built around leveraging data and making the data accessible through centralized cloud platforms. As our client has multiple branches across countries, we focused on creating an adaptive and responsive platform for maximum versatility!

View Case Study
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A sales pipeline analyzer built on edge computing and ML

We helped a dominant player in the food and beverages industry to optimize their sales by leveraging the principles of edge computing and Machine Learning. We achieved this by building a mobile application that monitors the flow of products in the global market. Our application is designed to work in offline conditions too. However, the data collected during the process is uploaded to a centralized cloud platform, enabling efficient data distribution across the organization.

View Case Study
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A telemedicine application built on Blackberry spark

We narrowed the gap between a doctor and a patient by creating a digital platform on the foundations of cloud computing and Blackberry Spark to provide maximum encryption and flexibility. Built on such influential platforms, the chances of people accessing qualitative healthcare increases significantly. Furthermore, as it's built on the principles of the cloud, it allows smoother data accumulation, enabling maximum utilization.

View Case Study
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Cloud adoption acts as a catalyst for the organic growth of your organization.

Take your first step with us!

Don’t break a sweat! You are in safe hands!

Data protection is our priority. We follow the best industry practices to keep your business data safe and secure. Moreover, our work process is transparent, and we keep it that way to give you peace of mind.




Secured Policies for Devices & Role based access permission


Stringent Security Measures



FAQs on our cloud computing services

Is the cloud secure?

Cloud is highly secure, and when it comes to the option of public cloud, users can secure their data on their own as the system is based on shared resources. However, private cloud servers are some of the safest and most secure infrastructures in the market.

How do I develop cloud strategy solutions?

Businesses should understand that there is no single suite of cloud solutions that fits like a glove. Cloud strategy depends on various factors like the nature of the business, existing infrastructure, amount of data produced and accumulated, etc.

What are cloud-based technologies?

Software solutions and systems that can be accessed over the internet are generally termed cloud-based technologies or solutions. As a leading cloud-computing company, we stay abreast with current cloud computing trends, to ensure you have access to the most cutting-edge systems.

How do I prepare my business for the cloud?

The time taken for complete cloud migration depends on the size of the organization or business and also on the allocated resources for the transformation. However, cloud transformation is highly subjective, and it depends on your business’s vision of the cloud.

Is it necessary to shift to the cloud?

It is estimated that in a few years, almost every enterprise will shift to cloud computing. Cloud computing providers may not look like a deal-breaker for your business at present, but if you are planning for the long-run, then cloud strategy is a must.

What is the difference between web and cloud applications?

Enterprise Cloud Computing applications will need internet access to only upload or download information, but can perform basic processing tasks on a local computer or workstation itself. Web apps on the other hand would need continuous connectivity to function properly. Cloud computing services ensure your enterprise processes run seamlessly, with or without the internet.

How much does it cost to make a cloud-based app?

Since a Cloud-based app drastically reduces the infrastructure costs associated, you would be saving a lot of money there. Although you would still have to pay for the cloud hosting services, Cloud Development Services generally marks up a lesser TCO than web apps or standalone apps.

How long does it take to make a cloud-based app?

Cloud applications can usually run for 2-3 months for development alone. The biggest advantage that cloud -based apps offer is that an MVP can be setup faster than most other application bulds. W2S' Cloud application development services ensures you can get your cloud-app up and running at the earliest.

Why should I choose W2S Solutions over other cloud computing companies?

Unlike other Cloud computing companies, W2S Solutions offers complete flexibility in project timelines, costs of development and maintenance, and scope of project. With our dedication to get your application done before the deadline, you can go-to-market at the earliest.

Why do you need cloud applications?

Most of the enterprise cloud service applications need internet access to only upload or download information, but can perform basic processing tasks on a local computer or workstation itself. Web apps on the other hand would need continuous connectivity to function properly. Cloud computing services ensure your enterprise processes run seamlessly, with or without the internet.

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